Always a Super-Professional Treatment!

"Present and trust-inspiring"

My consulting with André has been the most effective effort in terms of relieving my pain.
The process has contributed to a significant decrease in pain-relieving medication, and I am really happy about that, especially because my stomach can no longer take pain-relieving pills.

André manages to have full focus on both the physical part, and the mental part, where stress management is also in focus.
I quickly noticed progress.
André is skilled, present and trustworthy, and understands one's problems from different aspects.
The focus is on teaching me how to manage my own training and understand my pain.

André has also been a great help in relation to carrying out small daily tasks, by adjusting the way I use my body, e.g. when I'm driving, cleaning up or walking my dog. The small adjustments and changes in e.g. posture has contributed to fewer painkillers because I am more aware of how and when my chronic back pain and chronic headache are affected by my physical activities.

With André, you feel at the center and heard. He shows great energy and is always ready to talk about various things while training.

I am very satisfied with my program. And will give my warmest recommendation from here.

Kind regards
D. Mogensen

A new way of working out!

"I have worked with my body in a way I have never done before"

"André is extremely competent and insightful/knowledgeable. He stands for a calm and structured form of training, where I have worked with my body in a way I have never done before.

It is very much oriented towards typical everyday movements, so that we get mobility, stability and strength for the movements we walk and do in order to avoid injuries - and there are certainly also challenging exercises to work on...

André is really good at instructing the exercises with his calm manner, as well as explaining the advantages of the individual exercises."

- Bente Grønholt

Met where you're at

"Clear tools for solving problems"

If you are considering personal training and coaching, I can give my best recommendations to André.

During the last 3 months I have had help from André.
My challenges are various stress-related overloads that have turned into chronic pain.

He is professionally skilled and knows how to communicate in an easily comprehensible way.
He has clear tools to solve problems and create surplus for action.

In addition, he possesses enormous empathy, is easy to talk to and is diligent in following up on developments.
He is flexible and makes a huge effort to make the calendar go up.
I can only recommend booking an interview with André.

Best regards from
- Helle Larsen

There was no one who had looked at many side effects before the immunotherapy and they did not show in any way
what to do...

Therefore I was thrown around in the system...I got worse and worse and it turned out that I also had meningitis, I felt like ants were crawling around my head...(I still have that feeling)...

Subsequently, I was granted early retirement, and received free treatment with a physiotherapist twice a week, once team training and once manual treatment....

​After almost 1.5 years, there was finally a doctor who was sure that what I was doing wrong was small fiber neuropathy...I had a skin biopsy done which confirmed that he was sounds crazy but it was a huge relief to finally get the correct diagnosis….

I was understood

"A feeling of safety"

"I have been lucky enough to meet André."
"I am 57 years old. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with mole cancer which had spread to the lymph nodes, they were removed by an operation 2.5 months later,
and I was cancer free...
I was recommended to have immunotherapy and of course I agreed, thinking what could it hurt...

It was the start of the nightmare of my life, after 2 times I had stomach problems, which meant that they decided to stop the treatment...for the next year and a half I was thrown around from one department after another, one hospital after another and cross-examinations...the side effects that started with my stomach spread to the rest of my body, I had sensory disturbances, my skin hurt, my muscles and joints hurt terribly...

After seeing André, I always get the feeling of security. His whole personality, understanding, empathy and not least his professional skill... the fact that he showed exactly how to make my everyday life easier, made me feel 100% safe...

​The disease I live with today cannot be cured in any way, it is incredibly painful, my whole body burns, my skin tightens, hunts and at the same time it breaks down my muscle mass, it is a real hell to live with....

​​I'm not the type to complain and I try to see the glass as half full instead of half pain doesn't lessen if I go down with the flag and be sad, so instead I smile and be positive....
The fact that André is on the sidelines helps tremendously,
he is a huge support..."

​- Charlotte Hesdorf


Understanding and safety

"I've already had the pleasure of being able to help several people with their struggles, no matter what they are.

If you, or anyone you know need help, please don't hesitate to reach out."

- André

​Founder of Physical Education Therapy

​PS: If you want to give me feedback, or send in your testimonial,
please write to
​I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Competence through group sessions

"My best recommendations for André. He has an incredible knowledge of the body and its functions. A knowledge that he is happy to share with us in the team at HG Fitness, the team is called Stability, Mobility and Strength. We get to work the whole body every hour."

The workout is transferable to reality

"These are simple and challenging exercises that are all related to our everyday life, where we often forget about lifting correctly. Here we train the back so that it is strong and can handle the day with gardening, children, etc."

"The Truth About the DreamCompass"

The Multi-tool you can use for everything!

Originally designed to combat stress in everyday life, the Dream Compass has become a full step-by-step guide on how you can systematically follow your dreams by reducing the resistance (aka stress) that stands between you and your goals.

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12:00 - 13:00

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